Our girls are little on the heavier side. Or as I fondly say – “healthier”. It’s not their fault, they are Marino’s and we are all good sized people. Not only genes, but generous eating habits have played a role in this fact as well. When the school nurse sent home a note saying that our girls were each overweight and that we needed to watch their diet and read up on childhood obesity, I was bothered by it but knew she was right. She indicated on her note that we were to sign it to acknowledge receipt (OK so now I was kinda feeling like she wanted us to admit we were derelicts but I was ready to ink my name). I was still holding a black ballpoint pen when Adam pulled the note out of my hand, took a red pen instead and scribbled things like “fuck off, stay out of our business and watch your own weight…”. I stood there holding the aggressive note with my mouth open and sweating. I had to give this back! Our kids had to continue to go to this school for several more years! It took me nearly 20 minutes to white out his rant, photocopy it so you couldn’t tell I used white out and rewrite that we would take her advice and then sign my name. I wanted to write – “help me - my husband is insane” in code but opted to spare our family from being fat, bat-shit crazy and candidates for anger-management. No need to get another note about that!
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