“Hi. Um, are you okay”, I asked her.
“I’m fine.”
I have no idea why I asked this next question, but I’m blaming Miller Lite.
“Does your family know where you are?”
“My children live on the other side of the country” she responded sadly.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Do they know you are here like this?”
“No they don’t. Hey honey, do you have any money to spare?”
And the truth is, I didn’t in this day and age of debit cards and in being married to Adam who does not like me to have extra cash that I will use on something he thinks is stupid (like wine or clothes or shoes or makeup…).
“I’m sorry, I really don’t have any”, I told her.
Then I had a brilliant idea as I reached into my sweatshirt pouch and pulled out a bag of peanuts that I had left over from the game. I took them out and got on my hands and knees on the floor in front of her stall.
“You can have these, if you’d like”, I offered and I slid the bag under her door.
Just as her hand was reaching down to take the peanuts – I quickly yanked the bag of nuts back in my direction like it was “Hungry, Hungry Hippo” game play.
“Wait!” I said with a hint of panic “You don’t have a nut allergy, do you?”
Long pause.
“Honey….that is the least of my problems.”
Fair enough. And I slid the bag back under the door.