A few months ago I got let go from my job. And before finding something new, my girls were begging me to be a teacher. Ella was so excited about the idea. Her enthusiasm was cut short when I interrupted her and said, “Ella, I don’t want to teach children, let alone spend all day with them. You know I don’t really like kids.” She paused for a moment and said, “Well... then you can be a stay at home mom!!!” I looked at her with a "get real" expression on my face and said “OK what part of – I don’t like children didn’t you understand? - Please don’t think that doesn’t mean you as well.” Good God, I wasn't let go for being insane. The mere thought of being home with my kids as a SAHM had me running to update my LinkedIn profile! Yea, I am just not Stay-at-home-Mom material. Hell, I am not even Mom material. Nope, not at all.
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