Ella stubbed her toe was totally freaking out about it. I tired to console her - anyone could agree that hurts like a bitch. But after a few minutes of hysterics, I couldn't take her anymore. I told her to get over it as she was continuing to go on and on. After a few more minutes of her sobbing, she was on my last nerve and I yelled to her “that she should be thankful that she even had feet and toes to stub”. She looked at me like "what the hell are you saying?" And I went on to dramatically impress my point -"Ella, there are people in this world who have had their feet cut off because of an illness or maybe they were born without feet. And they would give their right arm to stub a toe." She was silent for a sec and then said "no they wouldn't. I doubt they would want to have no feet and only one arm." Touché my smart ass.
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