One day I was chomping on a bagel at my desk (ugh - snarfing it down, like someone was about to take it away from me) and a crumb fell in between the keys of my keyboard. When I couldn’t get it out, I turned over said keyboard. So many crumbs and poppy seeds fell out, I could have made a second bagel. It reminded me of when I would go to see a movie, have popcorn and then after coming home, I'd take off my bra, and a buncha popcorn kernels would fall out of it. While I am sure Adam liked the surprise treat - stellar moves like that and having a pile of leftovers, as pulled from my computer accessory, is really what separates me apart from thin people. Well....that and things like eating breakfast while wondering what I am having for lunch, or never ever uttering the words "Oops, I forgot to eat today", or eating something that fell on the floor as part of the two second rule (which I always yell out as if that makes it OK). As hard as I might try to be in the thin group, these shortcomings will always prevent me from doing so. I need to feel better about this....I guess I should go get a piece of pizza. I am sure some of it will wind up in my teeth - which I'll just hang on to as a little bit for later.
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