There is nothing worse than trying to find new friends in town and realizing just moments into an arranged family “play date” that you have nothing in common. This happened to Adam and I when we went to the home of Ella’s classmate. There were photos all over the walls of the parents and kids biking, hiking and in marathons. I don’t think anyone in our family would run even if a bear was chasing us. Anyway, the worst part was that they offered us something to drink and produced ONE six pack of Budweiser NIPS! When Adam and I downed those in 2.5 seconds, they admitted to having nothing else but cooking wine. I accepted that and drank it – all. Adam raided their medicine cabinet for anything good but came up empty-handed. It was the longest family play date and the last with them! We needed to find friends with less gym equipment and more booze. Any takers?
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