I went to the dermatologist for the first time the other day. Being a person who worships the sun all summer and does additional stupid shit like use a tanning bed and oil at the beach, I wasn’t surprised that I had a little freckle that was changing shape and color and that I needed to see someone about it. I was however surprised when the doctor walked in and looked like the chick who crawled around on the car in the White Snake video. Maybe in her profession, this doc has access to everything that helps anti-aging, but as she sat there scraping off my chameleon mark, I was wondering why on earth she’d choose such a gnarly profession. And I couldn’t help but feel all nasty as she picked off a hunk of my body. Fucking barf. I was totally skeeved out by my own self, I had to imagine she was too - although she didn't show it. As I left the office I mentally thanked the gorgeous doctor of skin for reminding me how gross I am. Just cruel.....