I was very pregnant at a birthday party where the parents had hired a clown for entertaining the kids. When the rented joker asked me what we planned to name the baby in my belly, I told her we were looking for a name that started with a “V” and a middle name that began with “L”. She quickly replied, "what about Vanessa Love” -- and I just stared at her. I then looked at Adam and said “Babe, I think a clown just named our baby,” And in fact, she did - a few months later - our Vanessa Love Marino arrived. I still can't believe an adult woman, wearing a polka-dotted onesie, a red nose and big shoes came up with the name for our child. I guess it is fitting - Vanessa is pretty much a clown herself. Although I do think we should wait until after her teen years to tell her this story ...she'll have plenty of other reasons to hate us, no need for her to hate her perfect name too.
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