After getting out of our pool one summer night, Vanessa and I ran over to the fire pit in the yard to keep warm. After a few moments, I told Vanessa to take off her suit and that I would do the same and that we could stay snuggly, just wrapped up in our towels. As you might agree, sitting in a wet suit when the air becomes chilly makes things quite uncomfortable. And extra dampness down south can also be quite problematic. As we watched the flames flicker, we waited for our pizza delivery that was due to arrive any minute. Feeling silly, Vanessa lifted her towel and put her ass over the flames. Feeling tipsy, I did the same. For some reason (the wine likely) I forgot that food was on the way and that I had told the delivery guy to come right into the backyard because I’d never hear the door bell ring. What a shock it must have been for him when he approached the fence only to see both of our bare roasting above the fire pit. Yikes!! His tip was hush money, for sure.