I love to eat. If I need to be on a diet, I can totally cut back - even starve if I have to. But when I am allowing myself to eat – I do. I love the three C’s: carbs, chocolate and cheese. Which all impact the three H’s: hips, heart and happiness. I am a tall, full-figured woman with a little more in a lot of places (except my boobs – they are like speedbumps on my curvy highway. Sigh). But sometimes I am embarrassed of how much I can actually consume. And in this one instance, it’s not embarrassing but brilliant. I think, anyway.
Around the holiday season many baskets of cookies, food, fruit and the like get delivered to offices. In my field, they are usually sent from vendors, freelancers, media partners, even clients. For the most part, they are addressed to one person on the team or in the agency. That person normally takes a little bit for themselves and brings the rest to the breakroom, which by mid-December looks like an exploding cornucopia of excusable calories.
One year I got a tower of goodies from a local bakery. The gift was about six boxes tall and each one got smaller in size as they stacked up to an enormous red bow. Our receptionist Janell, brought me my delivery and handed me the card that went along with it. I deliberately read it out loud “To Nicole & Team – Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts! You are amazing and Nicole is a great lead on the account”. I smiled and looked up at Janell; she told me that it was a nice card – I agreed.
I tore into the bottom box and took out an apple and a pear, from other boxes I took a sleeve of chocolate chip cookies and one with vanilla cookies filled with jam, a package of chocolate covered raisins and a little bag of almonds. I then brought the rest of the boxes into the kitchen to be devoured shortly after placing them on the table.
I spent the next few days eating my treats. Yes. I ate it all. Don’t judge. I had the card hanging up on my corkboard behind my desk. One of my better friends at the company walked in and remarked on the nice note and asked who it was from, because she noticed, it wasn’t actually signed. I started to laugh.
“It’s from me.”, I answered.
“You wrote that card?” she asked
“Yup.” I waited for her to figure things out a little further.
It clicked. “Did you send yourself that delivery”?
“Yup!” I said laughing. “I sure did. I do think I am doing a great job and I am a great leader and I wanted a giant tower of food that I could dive into first.”
“Oh my God! You’re insane!”
“Yea well I left you a sleeve of cookies, a bag of nuts and a mini-muffin on your chair.”
“Oh my God! You’re the best!”
“I know! Wait until you see the wine I sent myself!”
Around the holiday season many baskets of cookies, food, fruit and the like get delivered to offices. In my field, they are usually sent from vendors, freelancers, media partners, even clients. For the most part, they are addressed to one person on the team or in the agency. That person normally takes a little bit for themselves and brings the rest to the breakroom, which by mid-December looks like an exploding cornucopia of excusable calories.
One year I got a tower of goodies from a local bakery. The gift was about six boxes tall and each one got smaller in size as they stacked up to an enormous red bow. Our receptionist Janell, brought me my delivery and handed me the card that went along with it. I deliberately read it out loud “To Nicole & Team – Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts! You are amazing and Nicole is a great lead on the account”. I smiled and looked up at Janell; she told me that it was a nice card – I agreed.
I tore into the bottom box and took out an apple and a pear, from other boxes I took a sleeve of chocolate chip cookies and one with vanilla cookies filled with jam, a package of chocolate covered raisins and a little bag of almonds. I then brought the rest of the boxes into the kitchen to be devoured shortly after placing them on the table.
I spent the next few days eating my treats. Yes. I ate it all. Don’t judge. I had the card hanging up on my corkboard behind my desk. One of my better friends at the company walked in and remarked on the nice note and asked who it was from, because she noticed, it wasn’t actually signed. I started to laugh.
“It’s from me.”, I answered.
“You wrote that card?” she asked
“Yup.” I waited for her to figure things out a little further.
It clicked. “Did you send yourself that delivery”?
“Yup!” I said laughing. “I sure did. I do think I am doing a great job and I am a great leader and I wanted a giant tower of food that I could dive into first.”
“Oh my God! You’re insane!”
“Yea well I left you a sleeve of cookies, a bag of nuts and a mini-muffin on your chair.”
“Oh my God! You’re the best!”
“I know! Wait until you see the wine I sent myself!”