Our family went to Great Adventure recently and naturally, there was drama for us. When Adam and my youngest, Vanessa rode the 15 story high Ferris Wheel, I stood firmly planted on the ground with Ella. We are both very scared of heights and didn’t want to join the other half of our family on the ride. But after an hour and going on a few other rides, Ella wanted to give the Ferris Wheel a shot. For some ungodly reason, I said I would go as well. I think I was trying to be brave for her. The minute I got on - I wanted to die. I was in a complete state of panic – heart pounding, hands sweating, lips twitching. I kept my eyes closed and yelled at everyone to keep still so that the torture chamber we were sitting in wouldn’t rock back and forth. Just as my shallow breathing paced and we were circling around to the top again, a bug flew into our cart. Ella noticed the moth on her leg and flipped her shit. She moved around wildly, Vanessa was yelling at her to sit still, Adam was waving his arms around trying to kill the offending insect and I was screaming with my eyes shut tight for everyone to stop moving. I imagined from the ground park guests could witness the complete chaos - the cart swinging in the breeze, people yelling like lunatics, someone sobbing loudly (me!). How did that fucking moth even fly so high up to reach us? With all efforts to try and set an example of bravery or bond as a family on a mellow ride or have any fun - this was by far an EPIC FAIL to say the least.
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