The other night at bedtime, I was reading a story to Vanessa. I was partly falling asleep myself and anxious to go into my own bed. I read a little faster to finish up the story. Vanessa asked me why I was rushing. I told her that I had forgotten to take my medicine. With a worried look on her face, she promptly asked me if I was sick. Her concern made me feel bad and quite honestly, I didn’t want to lie. So I told her “No honey, Mommy isn't sick, just crazy” and I chuckled. She replied “Ohhhhh, you need your ‘chill pills’”. Well, isn't she just a clever little thing? If I wasn’t surprised, I’d be worried. I have never called them that before. Now, who would say a thing like that? Hmmm…I can just hear Adam mumbling under his breath if he is mad at me “your mother really needs to take her chill pills…” and he thinks the kids don’t hear it. At least, on the necessary occasion, I’ll just come out and say “your father is being such an asshole.” Sorry, but I did say I didn’t like to lie to them, right? Well, I guess if the conversation with him gets hot, I always know I can tell him I gotta go pop my ‘chill pill’.
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